Alison Gool
Favorite weapon: Mk-33 Heavy auto-blaster
Former occupation: Military Engineer
Cause of Death: eaten by Cthulhu
First appearance: "In the Belly of the Beast"
General Statistics:
Height: 5 ft 10 in
Weight: 196 lbs.
Standard Equipment:
Steyr Assault Rifle
Mk.33 Heavy Auto-blaster
Hotaku Pulse Cannon
Plasma Pistols
Modified Pfhor Battle Armor
Mechanical, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Basic Combat Training, Standard and Advanced Rifles
Extremely intelligent, Alison was a natural choice for the U.E.S.C. Military Engineer program. Once she joined the Hellbore unit,
she chose to have several cybernetic tools implanted, including advanced reflexes, heightened senses, and a Nullspace pocket generator
(used as an infinitely large toolbox). She tends to keep a level head in combat situations, but can and will resort to violence
when necessary. |