Absynthia Spirit
Favorite weapon: Phantasmal forces
Former occupation: student
Cause of Death: dimensional rift
First appearance: "A Little Surprise"
General Statistics:
Height: 5 ft 7 in
Weight: 128 lbs.
Standard Equipment:
Goth-club Apparel
the Umbranox: Kâgé
Eternal Optimism
The younger sister of Beerman is considered by most to be "slow", though most find her innocence to be cute and endearing. She has a
deep, unwavering loyalty to whom she believes in and cares about, which is why she ended up joining Ysrath's evil faction to be with
her boyfriend "Boo" (aka. Stephan). She is constantly accompanied by her little pet, Kâgé, who is in fact an emissary from
another dimension. |