Alexis Tenebrae
  • Favorite weapon: psychotic moodswings
  • Former occupation: Spoiled Brat
  • Cause of Death: unknown
  • First appearance: "The Prodigal Daughter"

  • General Statistics:
    Height: 5 ft 3 in
    Weight: 105 lbs.
    Standard Equipment:
    Goth-club Apparel
    Mother's Bracelet
    Long Boots
    Bad Attitude

    Demonic Magic, Necromancy

    Having been spoiled rotten while young, Alexis was generally used to getting her own way. She and her step-father never really got along, and she developed a mean streak due to that. While she may act tough, at heart she is in reality scared and lonely. She sought guidance from the Chaos demon Ysrath, and was duped into becoming one of his pawns, and a very powerful one at that. Her right hand was severed by Ysrath as punishment.
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