Matt Blaster
Favorite weapon: Mk-8 smart-gun
Former occupation: Supersoldier
Cause of Death: ripped asunder by Aliens
First appearance: "Let's Go!"
General Statistics:
Height: 6 ft 2 in
Weight: 218 lbs.
Standard Equipment:
Predator Handguns
Steyr Machine-Pistols
Mk-8 Dual Smart-Guns
Battle Armor
FLASH suit
Advanced Combat Training, Handguns, Standard Rifles
The hero of the comic. When he joined the U.E.S.C. Hellbore unit he had various standard cybernetics installed; muscle augments,
boosted reflexes and dermal armour plates. Currently in a relationship with Anna, his nemesis's assistant. Severe emotional trauma activates
the FLASH suit given to him by the Pfhor, transforming him into a mindless bezerker. Dislikes celery. |