Phillipe Marrks
Favorite weapon: Mk.CX handguns
Former occupation: Supersoldier
Cause of Death: dimensional rift
First appearance: "Falling"
General Statistics:
Height: 5 ft 7 in
Weight: 287 lbs.
Standard Equipment:
Twin Mk.CX .67 calibre handguns
Vision Enhancement goggles
(incl: Infrared, Telescopic and Night Vision modes)
Ammunition Bandoliers
Kevlar-lined Trenchcoat
Marksmanship, Sniper Rifles, Handguns, Stealth/Espionage, Small Unit Command & Tactics
Unlike other members of the U.E.S.C. Hellbore unit, Phillipe received his cybernetic implants before enlisting. His legs, left
arm and lungs were damaged in an explosion months previous. He has a natural tendency for command, and became a Sergeant
in short order after joining. Prefers to fight from behind the front lines, but is fully capable of close combat. |