Stephan Fyre
Favorite weapon: Powers of Darkness
Former occupation: Starbucks Waiter
Cause of Death: suicide
First appearance: "Poseur Gothboi"
General Statistics:
Height: 6 ft 3 in
Weight: 172 lbs.
Standard Equipment:
Heavy Leather Duster
Steel-Toed Boots
Cantrips, Protective Wards, Black Sorcery, Necromancy, Demonic Magic
Originally came to Deathworld in an attempt to meet a real vampire. Stephan soon acquired "dark powers" from the insane
Dr. von Rudenstein, and worked with him for a while. Became an independent agent after much humiliation, and eventually wound
up as a useful thrall to Ysrath. Was killed by OMEGA, but later resurrected with true Dark Magic, at the expense of his humanity. |