So, you still have some questions regarding the comic, eh?
Well, let's hope they're answered here...

Just what the hell is FUDDA Comix anyways?

The quick answer is that it's an extra-dimensional realm created by the Overseer to amuse himself. The long answer is a bit more complicated, obviously. I wanted to make a universe where I could tell stories that wouldn't be possible in any sort of real "reality". It's also a way for me to attempt to convey my opinions about life, death and the afterlife. I don't believe in the religious form of life after death (blame my nihilism), but I've also experienced too many "spooky" things to be convinced that there's nothing awaiting us. It'll more than likely be something no-one will expect. But probably nothing like this comic!

What's the deal with the massive style change around 2009?

Basically, I was not happy with how the story was going (even if some say it was pretty decent), and felt I had written myself into a corner. After taking a break, I started experimenting with different art styles, and when that year's 24 Hour Comic Challenge came along, I decided to restart the comic by ditching all that was making me uncomfortable and stick with the ridiculous premises I was coming up with. I went with the "super-deformed" (aka Chibi) style both as a way to visually represent my new take on my comic world, and to help reduce the time it took to make each page (in theory at any rate).

What sort of influences do you have on your work?

Anime and Manga of all sorts, mostly. I try to subtly incorporate a fair number of the Japanese comic techniques into my work (like the big eyes, speed lines, sweatdrops, etc), but otherwise, I try to keep my style my own. I'd also have to say that the Simpsons (and Futurama) are a pretty big influence on me, as was Jhonen Vasquez and Roman Dirge.

Why is it sometimes your characters don't have a mouth?

This was a stylistic choice I made fairly early on, mainly because when I started this comic, I wanted to minimize facial features because I wasn't very good at drawing human faces. Anyways, the "absent mouth" usually meant that I was trying to convey that the character in question had their lips pursed in confusion or concentration. I don't use this convention any more. :|

Whatever happened to [insert favorite minor character here]?

Sometimes people ask me this about the Lil' Alien, the Evil Sheep or the angry gothboi James. I've created far too many characters over the years I've worked on this comic, and it still amazes me what the fans will gravitate towards. But I digress. Why don't I use these minor characters more often? Mainly because I'm too busy dreaming up stories for the main characters (who are generally more three-dimensional and interesting in my mind), and never get around to thinking about the little guys.

Why do all the female characters have names that begin with the letter "A"?

This is a little meta-joke that I thought up early in the comic's life. I just thought it would be funny once people noticed. But all it really does is confuse the more excitable fans when they're talking about the comic. There actually is one girl that appears in the comic whose name didn't follow this "rule", but that's because she was based off a real-life person, and it wouldn't have been nearly as funny if I had changed her name.

What kind of advice would you give to someone just starting or hoping to start in webcomics?

Umm.. I'm certainly no Scott MacLeod, so I don't know why you're asking me this, but here's a few pointers I've gathered over the years I'll share:

  • First and foremost - do your planning & layout first. I don't care if you're going to make it on the computer or by hand like I do, you need to lay out the scripts for each panel before you start drawing anything. I see far too many cartoonists who don't plan ahead and then try to cram too much dialogue into tiny speech balloons. Remember, comics are as much about the words as they are about the pictures. Both are equally important.
  • It also follows that you should have a fair amount of scripting done ahead of time (whether you're doing random jokes or a continuing story), so that you don't get screwed when Writer's block hits you. Because it will.
  • Make sure to set a update schedule that isn't too ambitious. It's better to update slowly than to burn yourself out trying to do too much. That's usually the typical reason most webcomics fail.
  • Another bit of advice is to use different line thicknesses when you're inking. It's not something I do, but I've seen it used to great effect to add weight or shadow to an object.
  • Make sure you know enough HTML to make a decent-looking website. Sure, places like Keenspace of Wordpress/Comixpress give you all the tools to generate a site, but do you really want something that looks like a thousand other webpages? I always recommend you try making your own before falling back on the pre-scripted templates available.
  • Make sure you interact with your audience. Use Twitter if you want instant feedback, or get a message forum or Facebook group if you want more permanent record of your conversations. Readers will appreciate it if you give them the opportunity to talk to you easily, but don't let them bully you into doing what they want you to do.

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